Titular Professor at Center for Education Sciences at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. Graduation in Architecture and Urbanism, Master and PhD in Urban Planning at the Federal University in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil. Post-doc in Education at the University of Barcelona/Spain. Lectures in Teachers Training undergrad and grad courses of Education and Science Education. Has investigated themes such as: integration of media in teaching and learning, human rights education with ICT, citizenship education in digital culture. Is the leader of the research group called Comunic, coordinating local networks of researchers in national and international cooperation projects, last projects: “School-World Connection: innovative spaces for citizenship education” and “Education and Technology: investigating the potential of virtual social networks for the citizenship education and collective production of knowledge”. Was the head of the Graduate Program in Education – PPGE (2018-2020) and of the New Technologies Lab – Lantec (2007-2013), when coordinated the creation and development of didactical material for online courses at UFSC.
Lattes: 3255219419102864 ORCID: 0000-0001-6073-4012 Google Acadêmico: Andrea Lapa Researcher ID: 3320-2017 Academia: AndreaLapa